علیرضا نوری

استادیار دانشکده اقتصاد و علوم سیاسی دانشگاه شهید بهشتی

علیرضا نوری

استادیار دانشکده اقتصاد و علوم سیاسی دانشگاه شهید بهشتی

The Main Drivers and Aims of the Iran-Russia Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Treaty

The Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Treaty does not necessarily entail alignment and a desire to confront the US. Rather, its main goal is to utilise largely unused capacities in relations on the one hand and to try to define ordering mechanisms in the region on the other in order to provide for stability, interests, and more sustainable relations, writes Alireza Noori, Assistant professor at the Department of Political Science, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.  ادامه مطلب ...

Has Iran Lost Everything in Syria? Probably Not, for Ten Reasons

The initial answer to the question of whether Iran has lost everything in Syria is probably yes. Iran is certainly one of the losers of recent developments in Syria. After the weakening of Hamas and Hezbollah, the regime change in Syria, which was an important ally of Iran in the region, will seriously damage Tehran’s foreign policy in three areas:       ادامه مطلب ...

Borderless Manipulated Terrorism in Syria: A Common Threat and the Need for Collective Cooperation

The recent offensive by Syrian rebels which took control of several cities, particularly the strategic city of Aleppo, is a new development that, although surprising, was not strange. The Middle East region and Syria have many unresolved challenges that are capable of leading to a crisis and an uncertain future at any time under the influence of national, regional or international factors.    ادامه مطلب ...

Re-Focusing on Iran-Russia Cooperation in the Syrian Crisis; A ‘broader’ Strategic Stability on Agenda


The main purpose of this article is to examine how and to what extent Iran-Russia cooperation is effective in ensuring ‘broader’ strategic stability through balancing in the Middle East. Strategic stability and balance of power are interrelated components of the region’s order which have changed following the Arab Spring and the Syrian crisis. The article analyzes Iran and Russia’s impact on these two concepts, with a systemic approach, paying attention to interrelationship of variables at regional and international levels. Although strategic stability has been generally considered an issue at international level of great powers politics, this paper, emphasizing on evolution of international relations, believes in a new, complex and multilayered definition of strategic stability - a ‘broader’ one in the Middle East, which is not necessarily ensured by agreements or balance among great powers.   ادامه مطلب ...

The Importance of Ending the Arms Embargo: What Is Iran's Plan?

Lifting or extending the UN arms embargo on Iran, which according to SC Resolution 2231 is supposed to be ended in October 2020, has led to a new confrontation between Tehran and Washington. The US has circulated a draft UN resolution that would extend the embargo, and Secretary Pompeo vowed to use all means available to do so.   

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How Iran’s next parliament will affect foreign policy

Given the above-mentioned reasons, conservatives’ influence on foreign policy will be limited, and their actions will not be as radical as some might expect. Although they share common principles, their different interpretations of these principles, depending on subject and situation, will prevent them from adopting extreme policies or strategies. ...   ادامه مطلب ...

Iran’s next moves depend on US

A strong wave of anti-Americanism swept Iran following the US assassination Jan. 3 of Maj. Gen. Qasem Soleimani, the commander of the Quds Force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). Although the fever pitch of that sentiment isn’t likely to last, its consequences will be reflected in Iran's domestic and foreign policy...   ادامه مطلب ...

Russia’s future in Iran looks brighter as Europe, US fade

Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has ruled out nuclear negotiations with the United States, and on Sept. 26 apparently wrote off Europe as well. That leaves Moscow in the driver's seat as it works with Tehran to develop a system that benefits them both by evading US sanctions.  

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Iran seeks relief from US sanctions in Asia

Article Summary
In its foreign policy toward Asian and Eurasian states, Iran is extending its outreach beyond traditional allies China and Russia to draw support from a range of countries and reduce the impact of US sanctions. 
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Iran and Opportunity to Strike a Balance in “Either US or Russia” Option

Iran and Opportunity to Strike a Balance in “Either US or Russia” Option

Although the idea of possible reestablishment of Iran's relations with the United States is still at the stage of early speculations and does not seem to be realized even in the medium term, the mere mention of this issue has been followed by different analysis about the possibility of an Iran-US détente and its outcomes.
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